With nearly 250 citations to different peer reviewed articles, everything here is fully substantiated…
- For the Impatient: How To Use This Handbook
- Section Suggestions For The Prudent Cancer Patient
- Section Suggestions for the Practitioner
- Section Suggestions For The Health Care Advocate
- Finally, A Note Regarding the Target Dose of 100g
Chapter 1: What Is IVC? What is IVC+?
- A Truly Comprehensive Cancer Approach
- What It Should Not Be
- Not A Day at the Spa
- Usually Not a ‘Replacement’ for Conventional Oncology
- Not Your Grandma’s “Vitamin C”, Not Even Close!
- So Then … What Is IVC?
- To Cocktail or Not to Cocktail? Not.
- What is IVC+?
- Cancer Treatments Abound, So What Makes IVC Stand Out?
- Survey Says… It’s Everywhere, Safe, and Relatively Cheap
- Pervasive, But Not Common
- Astonishingly Safe
- IVC Costs
Chapter 2: IVC’s Sweet Sixteen QOL Enhancing Benefits (CLICK HERE FOR FREE CHAPTER)
- In the search for a “Cure-all” why have we neglected a “Care-all”?
- True Care = QOL. QOL = True Care.
- IVC … the Care-All.
- A Disruptive Principle: Pain Relief Extends Survival Time
- Putting Money Where Your Care Is
- Broad Agreement About IVC’s Palliative Effects
Chapter 3: Nemesis: Thwarting All of Cancer’s Dirty Dozen Deeds
- The List (Know Thy Enemy)
- How Powerful Is Your Cancer-Fighting Engine, Really?
- The 12 Cylinders of the IVC-powered Cancer-fighting Engine:
- * The 50+ Peer-Reviewed Studies Published in Respected Medical Journals*
- Broad Consensus of Greatly Improved Quality of Life (item 1 of 12)
- Pain Relief Extends Survival Time (item 2 of 12)
- Battling Sepsis. It’s Far More Important Than Anyone Thought (item 3 of 12)
- Cellular Energy Boost (the extra cylinder)
- How Does IVC Selectively Kill Cancer Cells? (item 12 of 12)
- Extracellular Activity
- Intracellular Activity
- The Cancer-Killing Role of Intracellular H2O2 – Theories Abound
- CONTROVERSY! “Treating Cancer” with IVC
- Extended Survival — The Data
- Who Gets It: The Prudent Educated Patient
- Prudent Patients: What To Say To Your Practitioner
- Prudent Patients: What Not To Say To Your Practitioner, and Why
- The Pervasive (43.6%) but Secret Use of CAM
- Be Brave and Really Try to Involve Them If At All Possible
- Andrew Saul’s “How to get Vitamin C IV Ordered” List
- How To Pay For The Treatment
- Getting Insurance Coverage
- The HCPCS and ICD10 Codes
- Insurance covered “Smart Saline” Hydration (it’s closer to blood than normal saline)
- Shop Around (Where to find IVC Practitioners)
- IVC Studies
- Fundraising for IVC
- Local is Best
- Getting Insurance Coverage
- Silver Bullets?
- Contraindications (who should keep IVC at or below 25g per dose):
- Hemolysis (a.k.a. G6PD deficiency)
- Iron-Overload (DIOS, hemochromatosis)
- Anuria, Dehydration, Severe Pulmonary Congestion
- Renal System Issues (usually impaired kidney function)
- Patient is on dialysis
- Pervasive Mythical IVC Contraindications, i.e. completely bogus anti-IVC claims
- IVC is Not Necessary Because It’s an Early Stage, or They are Easily Treated?
- Skip IVC Because “There’s No Time to Waste”?
- Blocks chemo or radiation effectiveness?
- The Recent Low Dose DHAA Deception
- Still the Deception Continues, Years Later After Correction
- Proven Ineffective In The Extremely Underdosed 1980’s Mayo Clinic Trials?
- They supposedly tested IVC … without using IVC! …Three times!
- Cherry-Picking Since Then, Even More Grossly-Underdosed Studies
- NIH Identifies the Error, Quietly, 30 Years Later
- Still, The Misinformation Campaign Persists
- Causes Cancer!…..?
- Bold Faced Lies Such As “Woo” and “Not Science-Based”
- Improperly Done “Systematic Reviews”
- Enlisting Enlightened Medical Researchers and Doctors, Doing What is Right
Chapter 6: IVC “How To” (Best Practices)
- The “How” Imperative: Do it right
- The IVC Protocol
- Powder vs. Liquid Source
- Dosage and Rate
- Blood Ascorbate Testing for Determining Dosage
- Dilution
- Other Dose Considerations: Minimum Required, Maximum Possible
- Frequency
- Using Blood Glucose Test to Check Blood Plasma Levels (Instructions)
- Urine Reagent Strips to Assess Rebound or the Return of Scurvy Status
- Watching Out For Real Contraindications:
- Should first screen for Haemolysis (G6PD deficiency)
- Patient has iron-overload (DIOS, hemochromatosis)
- Avoid simultaneous use of Laetrile
- Not Useful for Smokers
- Preparation and Treatment Factors:
- Avoid Dextrose as a Carrier Solution
- Avoid simultaneous IV glutathione
- Avoid in situ (simultaneous administration) N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) or other IV Antioxidants
- Commercial Preparation may be too acidic
- Yellow or darker ascorbate solution = Decomposed vitamin C = Bad
- Incorrect readings on glucose strips and glucometers up to 8 hrs (gives false positives).
- Prevention / Remedies for Negative Reactions (Rare):
- IV Site Irritation
- Tremors / Shakiness
- Fatigue
- Tumor Lysis / Ablation / Necrosis (toxic overload from tumor die-off)
- Herxheimer Reaction
- Headaches
- Rebound Scurvy
- The 24hr Intra-Operative Awareness Side-Effect. Important!
- Adrenal Insufficiency Reaction (patient may not be aware of this)
- How Patients Can Enhance IVC
- Co-administration-IVC: The Cancer-selective Pro-oxidation Strategy
- Things to consume leading up to and during IVC-administration:
- Doctor Prescribed Potentiates
- Other Cancer-selective Pro-Oxidation Strategy Recommended Activities for IVC-days
- NOTE: Patients should be advised that certain anti-cancer “enhancements” might not be compatible with IVC administration.
- Supplements to avoid for the 12 hours leading up to and during IVC:
- Things to consume leading up to and during IVC-administration:
- Post-IVC: The Strong-Fighter Strategy
- Things to consume between IVC administrations (but not in the 18 hours leading up to IVC, switch to co-administration diet):
- Things to Avoid all week during IVC:
- Diet Guidelines: Low Carbs, Slow Carbs, and Veggies, Yum!
- Increased Effectiveness when IVC is Done Prior To and Following Conventional Treatment
- Decreased Effectiveness If Patient was Previously Given Chemotherapy
- Pre-Conventional Treatment
- Post Conventional Treatment
- Avoiding the Post-treatment Scurvy Rebound
- Quality of Life Should Be Ongoing (not just during conventional treatment)
- Completely Ineffective If Smoking
- Decreased Effectiveness with Iron and Copper Supplements
- Some Other Selective Chemo Agents
- Co-administration-IVC: The Cancer-selective Pro-oxidation Strategy
Chapter 7: HOW ELSE CAN I GET IT (or get something like it)?
- Offsite IVC Clinics / Locations:
- Megadosing (oral) Vitamin C?
- What is Bowel Tolerance
- What’s the Best Kind of Vitamin C for Megadosing?
- Cheap vs. Expensive
- Ascorbates vs. Ascorbic Acid for Megadosing
- Better Forms for Tolerance?
- Exotic Forms containing DHAA (Oxidized C)?
- Fat Soluble Vitamin C?
- What time of day to take vitamin C, avoiding stomach discomfort and diarrhea?
- Avoiding Embarrassing Flatulence
- Liposomal C:
- What is it?
- Effectiveness in killing cancer cells
- Recommended Liposomal C Protocol for Cancer
- Liposomal C Cost
- A Worthy Replacement for IVC?
- Homemade Liposomal C- A Different Animal with little to no Data
- Liposomal C cofactors?
Chapter 8: Questions That Still Need Answers
- Is There a Silver Bullet IVC+ Protocol?
- What Is the Effect of Combining Other Cancer-Selective “Chemo Agents”
- Simultaneous Glucose Inhibitors
- IV Liposomal Vitamin C (IVLC?) As An Option
- Intravenous AA vs Intravenous DHAA, How Important Is It?
- The Role of IVC Pharmacokinetics
- Are We Doing IVC Long Enough After Supposed Remission?
- Promising Related Vitamin C Technologies
- SuCCeED Against Cancer: “Starving” Cancer to Death by NAD Depletion
- In Situ Exercise during IVC for Increased Tumor Oxygenation and Metabolic Improvement
- Chemically Sustained IVC Blood Suspension (eg. salicylics)
- Insulin Potentiated IVC
- 9 Other Anti-Tumoral Potentiating Treatments
Chapter 9: Full Recovery Just Ahead
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: IVC Conventions
- The Source
- Freshly Mixed From Powder
- The Early Days (1970’s)
- The 1990’s (Cathcart Protocol)
- IVC Methodology Medians
- Riordan-Clinic Guidance
- Typical Protocol
- Dosing Based on Plasma Ascorbates
- Testing Blood Plasma Ascorbate Levels
- Dilution
- Key Administration Best Practices
- Tumor Load, Metastatic, and Lifestyle Considerations
Appendix C: IVC Practitioner’s Quick Reference
- Option 1: Mix from Powder
- Option 2: Commercial Stock Solution
- Rate
- Procedure / Dose / Frequency
- Dilution
- IV Mixing Chart
- IVC Details Before / During / After Surgery
- Contraindication and adverse reaction: preventive and corrective action
- Potentiation
- What To Avoid
- Simultaneous Treatments That Improve Efficacy
Appendix D: The Patient’s Quick Reference Guide
- IVC-Days: The Cancer-selective Pro-oxidation Strategy
- Things to avoid for the 6 hours leading up to and during IVC:
- Things to consume and do during IVC-days:
- Non-IVC Days: The Strong-Fighter Strategy
- Things to avoid during IVC and non-IVC days:
- Things to consume during non-IVC days:
- Some Other Selective Chemo Agents – non-IVC Days
- Pre-Conventional Treatment
- Avoiding the Post-treatment Scurvy Rebound:
Appendix E: Palliative Benefits of IVC
Appendix F: Recommended Reading and Websites
Appendix G: The Seven Essentials to Making IVC Work
Appendix H: Calculations for SmartSaline0 Molarities